






Q2HE系列为Q开关激光器市场树立了新的标准。得益于先进的激光器设计,紧凑、人性化的整合性系统使得激光器几乎无需维护。没有额外的水冷装置和笨重的电源系统占用额外的空间。激光器元件高度集成化在Q2HE腔体内,外部模块仅有一个紧凑型控制盒和27 V DC,50-150W的电源适配器(据型号不同有所差异)。


- Up to 100mJ 脉冲能量输出, up to 4W 平均输出功率


- 1053 or 1064nm 波长输出


- 风冷型 (water-free)


- Up to 100 Hz 重复频率


- 1053nm波长输出型号的重复频率平稳可调


- > 2 G shot 超长半导体泵浦寿命


- 内建同步脉冲发生器与外部设备协同工作


- 通过内置以太网控制界面实现远程监测与控制


- 可选配附加 2nd 谐波发生器


- 可选配独立的 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th 谐波发生器


- 可选配作用于基本波长的能量衰减器附件


- 可选配脉冲能量监测器



规格参数 1)

型号 Q2HE
-D20 -D50 -D100 -E20 -E50 -F10 -F20
波长,nm 1053 or 1064 1053 1053 or 1064
脉冲重复频率  2,Hz 20 50 100 20 50 10 20
最高脉冲能量,mJ 40 70 100
典型值脉冲宽度(FWHM)  3,ns < 7 < 6
峰峰值脉冲能量稳定性  4 <0.5 % RMS
功率输出漂移  5 ± 3.0 %
光束模式 Bell-shaped, >75 % fit to Gaussian
光束发散  6 <1 mrad
Polarization Linear, horizontal
典型光束直径  7,mm 3.0 4.0 5.0
Jitter  8 < 0.5 ns  RMS
可选配谐波发生器 - 最高脉冲能量  9,mJ
526.5 / 532 nm 20 35 50
351 / 355 nm 12 20 30
263 / 266 nm 5 10 15
211 / 213 nm 1.5 3 6
可选配衰减器  10
输出能量范围 1 – 95 %
外形尺寸( W×L×H) ,mm 3 Laser head:190 × 408 × 55,  Controller unit:108× 191 × 59
AD/DC Power adapter:192 × 178 × 46  typical
冷却需求 风冷
环境温度,°C 15 – 30 15 – 27
相对湿度 10 – 80 % (non-condensing)
电源 90 – 230 VAC, single phase, 47 – 63 Hz  11)
平均功耗,W 50 100 150 80 150 70 120

1)Due to continuous improvements all specifications are subject to change. Unless stated otherwise all specifications are measured at fundamental wavelength and maximum pulse repetition rate. The parameters marked typical are not specifications. They are indications of typical performance and will vary with each unit we manufacture.
2)Factory-set pulse repetition rate is fixed at max repetition rate shown in the table. Pulse repetition rate up to 200 Hz are available by request.
3)At FWHM level at 1064 nm, measured with 350 ps rise time photodiode.
4)Measured during 30 seconds operation after warm-up.
5)Over 8 hour period after 20 minutes of warm-up when ambient temperature variation is less than ±2 °C.
6)Full angle measured at the 1/e² level.
7)Beam diameter is measured 20 cm from laser output at the 4σ level.
8)In respect to falling edge of pump diode triggering pulse.
9)Q2HE is compatible with our attachable second harmonic generator and all models of stand-alone H-SMART harmonics generator. Pulse energies presented here are maximum values. Please refer to harmonic generator datasheets for detailed specifications.
10)Motorized attenuator intended to be attached to the laser housing. Transmission can be changed remotely trough laser web-server control interface.
11)Laser can be powered from appropriate 12 or 27 VDC power source. Please inquire for details.



- 激光诱导击穿等离子发射光谱 (LIBS)


- OPO,染料激光器,Ti:saphire 泵浦


- 遥感技术(Remote sensing)


- 激光烧蚀(Laser ablation)


- 飞行时间质谱 (TOFS)


- 激光诱导荧光(LIF) 光谱


- 闪光光解(Flash photolysis)


- 基质附助激光解吸电离(MALDI)


- 脉冲激光沉积(PLD)